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The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines ( by T. H. Pardo de TaveraProject Gutenberg eBook)- / Translator: Jerome Beers Thomas / Release Date: Aug 22, 2008 (eBook # 26393)
Philippine Pharmacopeia 2004
Folk Medicine in a Philippine Municipality. Felipe Landa Jocano. 2003 
Perspectives on Natural Health: An Anthology of Holistic Medicine by Dr. Joseph de Ubaldo, 2001 
Pictorial Cyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants. Dr. Domingo Madulid. 2nd Ed 2000, reprinted 2006An invaluable pictorial reference source for Philippine ornamental plants.
Cosmetic Uses of Philippine Medicinal Herbs by Dietmar Rummel, 1998 
Ticzon Herbal Medicine Encyclopedia. 1997
Medicinal Plants (Philippine Plants) by Ludivina S. de Padua, 1996
Alamin Ang Ating Mga Halamang-Gamot by Julio Silverio, 1994 
Herbal Medicine (Technoguide Vol 1) Central Visayas Technology Packaging Project, 1988 
Healing Wonders of Herbs by Herminia de Guzman-Ladion, 1985 
Medicinal Plants of the Philippines by Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, 1978
An invaluable source of botanical information and folkloric uses of Philippine plants.  
Philippine National Formulary, National Science Development Board, 1978  
A Manual on Some Philippine Medicinal Plants, U.P. Botanical Society, 1977 
Plants of the Philippines, Science Education Center, University of the Philippines, 1971  
Nature's Guide to Healthful Living by Genovivo Divinagracia, 1971 
Field Guide to Philippine Mangroves by J H Primavera, PhD
Minor Products of Philippine Forests, Vol 1 and 2, William H. Brown, 1920


Ethnography of the Major Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Cordillera . Cordillera School Groups. 2005
Mga Panibagong Kulam. Tony Perez.. Anvil. 1996
The Healing Hands of Hilot (Filipino Therapeutic Massage) C. Evangelista and V. Apostol
The Healing Power of Pyramids, edited by Jaime T. Licauco, 1999 by the Inner Mind Institute, Makati, PhiL.
Mga Panibagong Tawas. Tony Perez. Anvil. 1997
Magicians of God. Faith Healers in the Philippines. Jaime Licauco. Anvil 1999
The Healing Hands of Hilot (Filipino Therapeutic Massage) by C. Evangelista and V. Apostol  
Hilot-Ancient Therapy of the Philippines. 2001. Ancient Publishig House, Batangas City 
Bontoc Life-Ways (A Study in Education and Culture) Kate Chollipas Botengan. 1976
Plants and places: a list of places in the Philippines that that were names after plants
While the majority of the medicinal plant images for the more than 1000 plants are by © Godofredo U. Stuart, the web has been an invaluable source of photos and illustrations that grace many pages in the herbal plant compilation. Attributions are placed at the bottom box of sources and many of the photos are click-linked to the source pages. The list that follows are major sources of photos and illustrations.
1. Phytoimages: An invaluable source of photographs of endemic Philippine plants. While all images are copyrighted, the site allows for noncommercial and educational use. All images used are linked to the source page. Phytoimages
2. Starr Environmental: Images created by Forest Starr and Kim Starr are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, permitting sharing and adaptation with attribution. Starr Environmental
3. J. M. Garg: Owner of EfloraofIndia. J. M. Garg's images are used in Wikis and seen at Wikipedia and Wikispecies. Wikimedia
4. Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons: These sites provide an incredible source of public domain images and plant photos by contributors too many to mention.
4. Nature Love You: The site allows non-commercial use of plant photos.
Plant Names Explained . Horticulture Publications (2005)
Natural Medicines: Comprehensive Database. Therapeutic Research Faculty. 1999
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, Element Books, 1998
101 Medicinal Herbs. Steven Foster. Interweave Press 1998
Magic and Medicine of Plants. Readers Digest Assoc. 1990
A Barefoot Doctor's Manual. A Guide to Traditional Chinese and Modern Medicines. 1977
The Complete Family Guide to Alternative Medicine. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Complete Guide to Medicinal Herbs. Penelope Ody, MNIMH. Dorling Kindersley Book 1993
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Michael Murray MD Joseph Pizzorno MD. 1998
Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs. Rodale Press. 1987
Professional Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies. Springhouse. 2001
The Hawaii Garden TROPICAL SHRUBS BY H. Clay & J. Hubbard . Universzity of Hawaii Press, Honolulu
Magic and Medicine of Plants. Reader's Digest Publication. 1986
Homeopathy: The Principles & Practice of Treatment. Dr Andrew Lockie & Dr Nicola Geddes. DK Publication. 1995
GRIN - Germplasm Resouces Information Network • United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
MMPND: Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database • List of Names
Philippine Herbs Used in Small Animals • M. Leila Santiago-Flores • mlasfph@yahoo.com

Last Update June 2022
May 2011

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